- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
The Grey Marshes
The Grey Marshes is where you'll find the Cunning Man. He's old and blind, with long grey hair and beard. But he's been living there for decades. Who knows how he manages to find anything to eat. He has a big shaggy dog, she probably catches ducks for him or something. Still, we tend to bring him some treats when we visit him. He isn't hard to find, just look for a thick column of creamy smoke. That's his campfire. Can't be easy finding something dry enough to burn over there, just reeds and rotten branches, that's what makes the smoke. He can probably answer your questions, but you can expect him to ask you to pay. He asks for... strange things. Never gruesome, but definitely oddly specific things that could take you a long time to find, like a cup that is blue on the outside and green on the inside and belongs to the mother of six daughters. Well, you'd better be off. It get's dark quickly here, and you are welcome to join us for dinner if you get back in time. I advise against camping in the marshes, people tend to come back different.
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License details for "The Grey Marshes"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- 2 frogs crackle by aguasonic from http://freesound.org +)
- Soft Lake Waves by Benboncan freesound.org +)
- frog pond by gtjuks from http://freesound.org +)
- Crow - three times by inchadney +)
- cricket indoors by Michaelvelo from http://freesound.org +)
- campfire by reinsamba from http://freesound.org +)
Image from: Image by Sascha Fritz from Pixabay