You enter the small diner of Spring Creek, Nevada, on the day you will chose your project mustang.
- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Spring Creek Diner
The town's diner was a cozy little place to say the least, and conveniently close to the inn the RR was using for the moment. Last night was your first in the town; you had arrived near dark, too tired from traveling to do much exploring of your own. You remember agreeing to meet in the diner today to get to know each other better before you went off to the herd management area. As you enter the diner, a bell above the door announces your arrival and a few eyes turn to you. Though you didn't know anyone here, the town's residents were kind enough to say hello, or offer you a quiet smile when you passed. Gentle clinking of plates and cups echoed through the diner, the quiet footsteps of the waiters accompanying it. In the corner of the room, an ancient radio played country music, and the sounds of the kitchen could be heard from your seat. You were thankful for the cool stone walls of the diner, for outside the blazing summer sun beat down upon every surface even this early in the day, making just about everyone miserable. Across the way, you notice a curly haired figure waving to you from a table. She seems nice enough. You vaguely recognize her as one of the other RR members, Charlotte. Would you care to join her?
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License details for "Spring Creek Diner"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Dining1 by *)
- Guitar - Fingerpicking by +)
- Take Me Home Country Roads by John Denver +)
- Coffee Grinder And Steam by Josie Cat +)
- Walking on Wood by NoiseCollector from +)
*) license