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This is my sound design for the crucible act 1, scene 1. The setting of this part of the play is in Reverend Parris house in Salem, Massachusetts, spring of 1692. In Betty bedroom. In the design there are church bells and people praying this is because there is a church nearby and in this play religion is important. The prayers shows the nervous and cold mood that is shown during this act and scene. To show some quiet mood the sounds of Forest wind and a normal wind. A crow was also add to showed the mood. Carriage were added to show the 1600 transportation and the people working. The squeaking wood shows the old wooden house.
Comments for "daniel_rodas_crucible1"
License details for "daniel_rodas_crucible1"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- church bell in the distance by Adeodatus +)
- forest_wind_summer by Don't know +)
- Jesus prayer. Rus Orhodox. by Evgeniy +)
- wind1 by H Hargitai +)
- Walking on Wood Floor* by +)
- Crow - three times by inchadney +)
- Carriage horse jingle by j_o_j of +)
- Squeaking Wooden Floor by Zwier : +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License